Odoo Human Resource Apps

All-in-one: Recruitments, Appraisal, Expenses,
Leaves, Attendances, etc.

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Successfully manage your employees

Centralise all your HR information.

Oversee all important information for each department at a glance.

Restrict visibility of sensitive information to just HR managers, or make other information public for all employees to see such as employee directory.

Receive alerts for any new leave requests, allocation requests, applications, appraisals, and more.


Track Time and Attendance

Odoo's Human Resource apps streamlines workforce management, offering a comprehensive solution with numerous benefits. 

Simplify recruitment processes, track employee performance, and manage payroll seamlessly. With Odoo HR, enhance communication through a centralised platform, fostering collaboration and employee engagement. 

Efficiently handle leave requests and automate attendance tracking, promoting time management. 

Experience an integrated HR solution that optimizes operations and contributes to overall organisational success.

Employee appraisals made easy

Thorough appraisals without the hassle.

Easily set up your evaluation process and calendar. Design form-based questionnaires to collect feedback from everyone in the company, from employees to managers, as well as self-evaluations. 

Automate the entire process so that you can focus on people, not administration duties. 

man wearing white and black plaid button-up sports shirt pointing the silver MacBook